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OAFI is the Osteoarthritis Foundation International, the first and only worldwide foundation exclusively devoted to the people living with osteoarthritis.

Created in October 2016 in Barcelona, the Foundation’s goal is to lead the fight against osteoarthritis by promoting education, prevention, treatment and research on those areas pertaining to joint health and to offer solutions to those suffering from this pathology so that they can feel accompanied, relieve their pain and improve their quality of life.



While a broadly unrecognized condition, osteoarthritis currently affects over 500 million people worldwide. Despite its social impact, it is considered as a distant pathology only associated with old age. However, besides affecting the elderly, it is increasingly detected in postmenopausal womensports people and even young people.



Osteoarthritis directly affects the mobility of patients and their autonomy, with the psychological wear and tear that this entails. In addition, it is associated with other comorbidity problems such as hypertension or cardiovascular diseases, among others.



In a society where the population’s life expectancy is on the rise, this type of illness should be considered as a first-rate concern. This is the reason why the Osteoarthritis Foundation International works to put the patient at the center of the disease and to help him or her have a voice and be heard. All our actions are designed for the benefit of the patient and for the prevention of osteoarthritis in people with higher risk factors.






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